Friday, January 7, 2011

Christmas Eve

For Christmas Eve, we had a great dinner at the home of Marty's Aunt Donna and Uncle Dick. We had a lovely time, and Oliver enjoyed getting a few early Christmas gifts.

 Marty's Aunt Anita and Uncle Jeff brought a bunch of Thomas stuff that their boys had outgrown, which Oliver loves, especially this little portable train.

 And a Thomas book, read by Grandma.

Aunt Donna and Uncle Dick got him the Elmo Rockin' Road Trip book, complete with it's own radio. This has definitely become one of his favorite gifts. Here, he's showing Pop-pop how it works.

It was a little daunting coming into a house he didn't remember full of lots of people he didn't remember, especially after the long napless day he'd had already. But Oliver was mostly afraid of two things: their dog Jake and Uncle Dick. So Jake spent the rest of the evening in the sun room, and Uncle Dick decided to try to make friends by playing the "What's that in your ear?" game.

 At first, Oliver was hesitant. Okay, he was outright terrified.

 But somehow, he let Uncle Dick get close enough to check.

 And was shocked to discover that Uncle Dick could magically pull things from his ear . . . 

 Homemade caramels! Yum!! He did it again later with a quarter, and now I think Oliver has a friend for life.

It was a long day and night, and somebody was tired.

But we had one more thing to do . . . 

Put out cookies and milk for Santa Claus!

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