My mom (Nee-Nee to Oliver) came for an all too short visit last week, and it was a whirlwind of activity. Sorry, I didn't take any photos of our visit to Ikea, though it was a lot of fun! We will definitely be making a return trip to buy stuff shortly before we move home next year! But I do have a bunch from everything else we did. I'm starting today with a visit to the
Dr. Seuss National Memorial Sculpture in the
Museum Quad in Springfield, Massachusetts. Springfield is very close to the airport near Hartford, so we decided to do an overnight in Springfield to see the sights. I'll spare you the painful story of our dinner out at a highly rated German restaurant, where we were never served any food (after over an hour), and ended up leaving with our very cranky toddler. Let's just say that if you're ever in Springfield, don't go to The Fort (The Student Prince). Any restaurant with two names is stupid anyway. And really, what restaurant manager thinks it's wise to attempt to argue with an unhappy customer? Isn't the customer always right?? Wait, I'm sparing you the story. Ok, onward to the pics. I had high hopes for the Seuss sculpture garden, figuring it would be a great place for some potential holiday photos. Unfortunately, my camera was being cranky, which made me cranky, which made for not such great shots. Wow, I'm full of complaints today, aren't I? I'll shut up now. What I lacked in quality, I made up for with quantity. I got some better pictures later that I'll share in another post.

The Horton Court
Oh, the Places You'll Go!
Pssst, Oliver! Watch out for the Grinch!
Peek a Boo under Horton the Elephant
I like Green Eggs and Ham! I do! I like them Sam-I-Am!
My little Who, talking to Horton (using his hand as a trunk)
Thing 1 and Thing 2 leap off as Oliver turns the pages.
Trying to get the Cat in the Hat's attention, but he was busing posing with Dr. Seuss himself (Theodor Geisel).
Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose
A ten-turtle-tall tower from Yertle the Turtle
Playing peek a boo with Mommy
No, this is not a Seuss character! But the art historian in me couldn't resist. In the gardens near the Yertle the Turtle sculpture, was this replica of the head of Michelangelo's David. Complete with potted plants growing out of his head, of course. I think Oliver is contemplating the Goliath as seriously as David is!
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