One of the things I haven't missed about living in our own home is raking leaves. In our old house, we only had one small tree, but millions of leaves from all the neighbors trees. In our new house, we'll have millions of leaves from our own forest of trees. That's why Marty has a $500 leaf blower on his Christmas Wish List!! We both hate raking leaves. However, I have been a little sad that Oliver doesn't get that experience of playing in piles of leaves, running and jumping and kicking them around. Just one of the many negatives about apartment living. Well, we were able to make up for it with a visit to Boothe Park in Stratford when my mom was visiting. It was a gorgeous fall day, and we really just went to walk around the unique buildings and the park, and then go to the playground. Then we saw this tree with tons of leaves under it. It must be some kind of instinct, because Oliver just started running toward it and kicking and throwing up the leaves and jumping in piles. It was wonderful to see him enjoying them so much . . . and even better because I didn't have to rake them up afterwards!!

Peeking through the mill stone.
Hanging out with Nee-Nee
Checking out the chickens
Out of focus, but love the face: uncontrollable laughter
This is so fun!
Gathering leaves
Giving sweet kisses
Checking out his collection
In the 4 seater outhouse. So, did 4 people all go at once, or did they have assigned seats??
Peeking out the tunnel at the playground.
On the slide
Beautiful fall day.
The next day, making art with the leaves.
Nee-Nee showing Oliver how to press down to make the leaves stick
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